
SAM Project: Objectives, actions, lines of research

Lines of research

The lines of research implemented with the Project

The project “Environmental and Socio-economic Sustainability of Marganai Coppices” will reach its goals following six different research lines:

Analysis of the vegetation through remote sensing data

  • The changes that have occurred in the Marganai forest in the last decades will be outlined using both historical and the most recent aerial images.
  • Thanks to the support of satellite imagery, various parameters which help to characterize the existing vegetation will be evaluated.


Historical analysis of forest uses

  • By analyzing both technical and social motivations of the main changes and management choices, the recent history of the Marganai forest will be retraced.

Monitoring of the effects of silvicultural treatments

  • A soil erosion monitoring system will be developed under different silvicultural treatments that have been carried out in areas with a varying degree of risk.
  • Forest stand structures issued from different types of management will be analyzed.


Impact of forest utilizations on the erosion risk

  • The extent of soil loss due to erosion in Marganai holm oak coppice forests will be evaluated

Analysis of socio-economic aspects

  • By means of questionnaires submitted to students of secondary school and interviews from a sample of citizens, the common perception of the forest and the needs of local communities will be investigated.
  • Through the involvement of local forest holdings and public bodies the economic potential of the wood-energy sector will be analyzed.

Analysis of the forest landscape

  • The historical and cultural landscape which characterizes the Marganai forest will be studied.



Università di Sassari, Dipartimento di Agraria
Viale Italia 39, Sassari, Italy.

Referente del progetto:
Filippo Giadrossich


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